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Member since 2 months ago

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I specialise in making sustainable, eco friendly, lights. I take old glass vessels and breathe new life into them, by turning them into lamps and lights. I make everything myself, from scratch, including my designs, and the majority of my pieces are unique. Every light is wired with low energy, LED lights, I believe we should tread lightly on the earth, although sadly not everyone agrees with me. So being earth kind is very important to me. Each lamp can take from a few days to a month or more - the process can't be rushed, and perfection takes time. I have been an artist in one way or another for 30+ years, and I also paint in a more traditional sense, and on occasion, I sell my paintings too. My lamps are a labour of love, and I enjoy every single step of the process. Each one is a little bit of me. My passion is nature and the natural world, and this inspires a lot of my work. All my lights are designed to be a beautiful object during the day, and then to be completely transformed when they are turned on at night. Ultimately, my purpose, my drive, is quite simple - I like to make people smile. I like my art to make them feel better about the world or life in general, and I believe light and colour, in the right combination, can do this. It can raise people up and elevate their mood. I find the feedback I get confirms this, especially when I meet someone who was gifted one of my lights, and they tell me how much they love it, and why, and how it makes them feel. This in turn feeds me, and furthers my desire to create more lamps, and make more people happy. I am, slowly but surely, lighting up the world! ✨️

My health is not great, and I am registered disabled. I have huge problems with my joints, particularly in my hands. But I adapt, change, and evolve how and what I do, in line with the changes in my conditions. I know one day I won't be able to make my lights anymore. But for now I still can, and I shall push to keep creating them for as long as is possible. And I am, if nothing else, stubborn as an ox - so that time is still a long way off!

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